Produse pentru platforma de crab phillips (1)

Placă Clad Laminată pentru Joints de Tranziție Structurale - placă clad, placă clad laminată, joncțiuni de tranziție structurale

Placă Clad Laminată pentru Joints de Tranziție Structurale - placă clad, placă clad laminată, joncțiuni de tranziție structurale

Our roll bonded clad plate is ideally suited for structural transition joints. The ability to roll bond dissimilar metals such as stainless steel and aluminum products are ideally suited for in the shipbuilding industry allowing for a weld free transition between stainless steel and aluminum. As a world class clad plate manufacturer, we specialize in producing custom roll bonded clad plate to customer exact specifications. Materials Typical transition plate material is Stainless Steel/Aluminum. However, other material can be considered. Specifications and Certifications Typical material requirements are provided per SA264 with shear and bend test 100% UT examined per SA578-Level B, hot rolled and cleaned. Other material requirements can be provided such as + HIC requirements, Simulated PWHT coupons, and Charpy Impact testing. Material can be supplied to meet ASME BPVC Sec II.